Courage to Let Go and Move On

Hey there, I’m glad you made it here. This page is for you and for people like you and me; Strong and Courageous. You may be experiencing pain from break ups, from divorce, or the most painful of all, losing your child, but remember, the struggles we’re facing today are developing the strength we will need for tomorrow.

Those struggles may appear in different forms. In my case, struggles went from mild to severe within very short period of time. First I was a victim of a cheating spouse few years ago.

Being the Victim

I was a victim of verbal abuse, and I suffered from being abused mentally, financially, and physically. I was lead to believe that I wasn’t good enough and that I deserved what was served to me. I was afraid to move on, because I loved him and I told myself I won’t be able to find a man like him, so I did what most spouses do, be a martyr and try to save the marriage. I let him do what he wanted to do, I let him walk over me, for the sake of saving the marriage and hoping that maybe one day the man I fell in love with will comeback. Sounds familiar?

How long could you endure the pain of loving someone that doesn’t value you anymore? See, loving someone doesn’t mean you should be with them. Trying to save the broken glass will only cut you and make you bleed. Be brave, throw away that broken glass and be strong to face the challenge that comes next.

pasqueflower1You’re too strong to live your life hurting. You are too beautiful to let someone’s ugly ways make you insecure of yourself. Never allow detestable people to hurt you.

After letting go and moving on with my life, I gained my confidence back. I loved and gave value to myself and the result fascinated me. Remember when you were thinking that maybe you won’t find someone like that person you used to love? You’re right with that. You will never find someone like that again because the persons you will attract are those people that will see the greatest value in you.

Letting Go of the Past

Moving on and letting go of my past toxic relationship blessed me with a man whom I call my un-married husband. He is my strength when I am weak, my guide when I’m lost, and the light in my darkness, (not trying to be cheesy). Not to mention my walking encyclopedia, no kidding aside.

Our love had given us a wonderful gift. We were overjoyed with the news that I am carrying our baby. We couldn’t ask for more, it all seemed great and I was perfectly happy. Then, I was hit with the severe storm.

Life has played me again. Not long ago, we lost our Angel just a few weeks before the due date. It was the most agonizing feeling I had ever felt in my entire life. Holding your child in your arms for the first, last, and only time unlocks a pain your soul never imagined possible.

roseWhy do I have to say goodbye before I can have a chance to say hello? How I’d love to hear the sound of her cry. Each day I wished it’s only a nightmare and when I wake up, our baby would still be with us. How can you overcome that pain? How can you live again without the one that completes you?

When you lose a child, you lose an entire lifetime of dreams, wishes and plans, but somehow, we have to let go and move on. Yes, we will never be the same. The hardest part of losing a baby is living everyday afterwards, but one way or another we have to make that step forward. It’s not easy, but one step at a time, we can and we will get through it.

For that reason, this site came to be; to encourage everyone that is or was in the same position like me. Let’s help each other, empower and uplift one another. Share your stories to help other people overcome their loss and grief. To all the people that are dealing with a broken heart, remember, you are strong and you are beautiful, so put those broken pieces together and love yourself. The right person will come and will show you how it feels to be truly loved.

46 thoughts on “Courage to Let Go and Move On

  1. Blogaberry Foo

    Hey .. to be happy, you need to love and respect yourself and also help yourself… thats what i believe despite having someone who cares for me dearly! Nice thought though! Keep writing!

    Liked by 3 people

  2. peanutgallery247

    Keep writing indeed, words from the heart and from one’s own experience is always so touching. I enjoyed reading this. Check out my blog…I’m sure you will enjoy similar posts…that being said…I’ve had similar experiences but I’m glad they have made me the strong woman I am today💪🏼😀💪🏼

    Liked by 2 people

  3. Thank you share your story of hurt and loss and your journey moving forward. My heart goes out to you, but it also celebrates your courage and strength in being willing to share. Sometimes it wont feel like it, but your story is a gift to the world, to anyone searching for a way to overcome or move forward.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Diganta Misra

    I was physically abused in my schooldays so I can absolutely relate and understand how horrific it would have been for you. On a contrary though, I could nor can ever let go of my past, I carry the scars as trophies and the past as memories and instances from which I always learn, The past molded me, made me who I’m today and I will always cherish it irrespective of whether I regret certain events happened during that time. I agree on the fact happiness comes from within and sometimes we have to adapt to survive, to smile. Great writing. Keep it up

    Liked by 2 people

  5. The motive that your blog is carrying and also your words are equally strong. Looking forward for some more empowering posts from you.
    Good Luck and Congratulations for the upcoming happiness in your life. 🙂 😊

    Liked by 1 person

  6. This was really touching. I’m so sorry for your loss. But, I do believe in the fact that everything happens for a reason. You just don’t get to know it until you really search for it.
    Keep writing. It always help in the healing process.❤


  7. Oh wow Crisly, I’m happy to be reading this. It’s true what you say, let go of the broken glass. I’m much happier and stronger today because I let go of the very man I loved so much that brought nothing to my life but hurt. Thank you so much for sharing your experiences.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you Tanyi, true that ending a aerious relationship hurt so much, but staying in a toxic relationship hurt more. Im happy to know that you are one of the stronger women that fight for their rights to be happy.


  8. elizabethbrico

    I am so sorry about the loss of your child. I am a mother too and I cannot imagine that pain. You are very brave for continuing forward.
    I do know the pain of abuse-I was abused for four years by the man i loved and it left me with PTSD which is very hard to live with. I blog about it.
    Your words are very inspirational and I’d like to invite you to join my new link up party for MH bloggers..I think this would be a lovely addition to week 2. -if you’d like 🙂


  9. Hi Elizabeth, the pain of losing someone that complete you is unbearable. Especially when you dont get an explanation of why it happened. With the help of my unmarried husband I was able to slowly take the steps forward.
    Indeed PTSD is hard to live with, I suffered from it and fortunately he’s very helpful that I think I got better. Sorry about your abuse, it seems that good people always have a bad partner, just so we will know what a good one when they come.

    P.S… I visited your page, and left you a comment, please let me know more about it as I am not sure. Thank you.


  10. Hello Crisly, sincere I love you already and I think you’re a graet person and I still hope that those heartbreaking moments you experienced have only made you stronger and realize that you are not weak.
    Life can be weird but just like Celine Dion said “we have to know soe bad times or our lives are incomplete”
    Great piece though, keep it up.

    Liked by 1 person

  11. Its tough sometimes. We have to face things never imagined. But thats the beauty of life. It has its own ways to make us realise, understand and learn things from life itself. M happy for you where you are now, sitting tight, having your faith and moving on from every problems. Way to go.

    Liked by 1 person

  12. I have mixed emotions toward sorrow, you know? Because while it is always painful to go through stuff like you talked about, still I cannot help but say that it does always bring something beautiful…some people like you and me found the solace of creativity in order to deal with the pain. Now you are inspiring people. And it is a good thing. Although my heart breaks with your story about your baby. That is a different kind of pain.


    1. Life will always play with us, and we have to learn how to deal with it. It’s not easy to continue forward and put the broken pieces of myself together, but if we let bad things destroy us, we are nothing but a broken pieces that scattered a and will eventually hurt someone else. Pain is what drives me to give joy to others.


      1. I can’t even imagine and I know that there weren’t , aren’t and probably will never be any words to comfort you. But you’re so strong and you have turned something so horribly painful into something positive and for that, you should be proud.

        Liked by 1 person

      2. Thank you for the supportive words. You’re right, there is no words that can comfort a grieving parent, but being supportive is enough to comfort them. Knowing that there are people who supports us and understand how we feel is already a steps in moving forward.

        Liked by 1 person

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